Stan Lee, "Spider-Man!" Amazing Fantasy No. 15 (Sept. 1962)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

CFP Panels of Research Society for American Periodicals

A head's up courtesy the American Literature Association (pdf at http://www.calstatela.edu/academic/english/ala2/2014%20RSAP%20CFP.pdf): 


American Literature Association
May 22-25, 2014
Washington, D.C.
Research Society for American Periodicals
Call for Papers

RSAP seeks proposals for the American Literature Association’s 25th Annual Conference, 22-25 May 2014 at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill, in Washington, D.C.

Proposals are requested for the following:

1. War and/in American Periodicals after 1914

As spaces of dialogue and dissent, American periodicals have played a formative role in the negotiation of war’s meaning in American culture. This panel seeks 15-20–minute papers that might address any aspect of this topic, including but not limited to: seriality and war; soldier newspapers; trench journalism; periodicals and the home front; fictional representations of war in periodicals; periodicals as spaces for dialogue and dissent about war; anti-war publications; responses to war in black periodicals; war in visual culture; the imagined communities of wartime America; literary style and war correspondence; etc. Please email 300-word abstract and C.V. to Amanda Gailey at gailey@unl.edu by December 15, 2013; please put “RSAP panel submission” in the subject line.

2. “Graphic Humor in American Periodicals”

Abstracts (300 words max.) are encouraged on subjects addressing “graphic humor” in American periodicals. Subjects could range from cartoon strips to political cartoons to illustrations, and may include
alternative interpretations of the term “graphic.” Papers should focus on the periodical context of the subject, as well as broader concerns of interpreting humor. This panel is co-sponsored by the American Humor Studies Association and the Research Society for American Periodicals. Please e-mail abstracts no later than January 10, 2014 to Tracy Wuster (wustert@gmail.com) with the subject line: “AHSA/RSAP session, 2014 ALA.” Notifications will go out no later than January 20, 2014.

Friday, November 15, 2013

IJoCa Spring 2013 Contents

As promised a while ago, here are the contents for the Spring number of IJoCA:

Vol. 15, No. 1, 2013
504 pages / 24 Articles
John A. Lent 1 Editor’s Note
Mark McKinney 2 Les mésaventures de M. Bêton by Léonce Petit: Reflexivity and Satire in an Early French Comic Book Inspired by Rodolphe Töpffer
Lara Saguisag 35 The “Secret Tracts” of the Child’s Mind: Theorizing Childhood in Early 20th Century Fantasy Strips
Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste 68 Súper Cholita and Bolivian Comics: In Search of Cultural and Political Hegemony
Ryan Prout 84 Mapping Neuro-diverse Alterity in Social and Sensitive” Comics from Spain
Iwan Gunawan 100 Multiculturalism in Indonesian Comics
Uri Fink 127 Comics in Israel -- A Brief History
Amy Bright 146 Evaluating Text and Image Ratios  in Contemporary Young Adult Literature
Muliyadi Mahamood 163 Pioneers in Comic Art Scholarship Cartoon and Comics Scholarship in Malaysia: A Personal Experience
Scott Hales 197 “Operation Replica?!!”: Captain America in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
Tsugumi Okabe 230 From Sherlock Holmes to “Heisei” Holmes: Counter Orientalism and Post Modern Parody in Gosho Aoyama’s Detective Conan Manga Series
Michael Rhode 251 Ann Telnaes at the 2011 Small Press Expo
Jakob F. Dittmar 270 Comics and History: Myth-making in Nazi references
Keegan Lannon 287 Visualizing Words: The Function of Words in Comics
Muhamad Azhar Abdullah 306 The Development of Malaysia Comic Art
Richard Scully 323 The Lion and the Unicorn -- William Gladstone and Benjamin Disraeli through William Empson’s Looking-Glass
Anita K. McDaniel 338 Obama-man: The Fanboy Ideograph for “Hope and Change”
Sebastian Weinert 354 Funny Education? Cartoons and Illustrated Stories as Media of Health Instruction in Weimar Germany
Jeremy Stoll 363 A Creator’s History of the Comics Medium in India
Sylvain Rheault 383 Japanese Culture in Franco-Belgian Bande Dessinée
Jon LaCure 395 CLAMP, the Magic Knights, and Art Nouveau
Jade Hidle 408 Remembering in Red and Yellow: History, Memory, and Second-Generation Vietnamese American Identity in GB Tran’s VIETNAMERICA
Anna Wiederhold 419 The 9/11 Report: A Graphic Adaptation: Making Meaning in the (Gutter) Spaces between Word, Image, and Ideology
Fauzi Naeim bin Mohamed 435 The Aesthetics of Oppression in Joe Sacco’s Footnotes in Gaza
Eric A. Holmes 450 The Horror and Humor of Entertaining Comics
John Baird 456 Evaluating Math Concept Learning Using Comics
John A. Lent 469 The Printed Word
Dale E. Seeds, John A. Lent 472 Book Reviews
Edited by Michael Rhode, David Robertson, Michael Rhode 480 Exhibition and Media Reviews
489 Portfolio

IJoCA Fall 2013

The Fall 2013 number of IJoCa is now available. Volume 15, Number 2 of the journal features nearly 800 pages of essays and reviews. Contents will be posted here as/if they become available.

CFP Spec Issue on Comics, Multimodality, and Composition (8/1/14)

Thanks to IAFA for the head's up:

CFP for Special Issue of Composition Studies

Theme: Comics, Multimodality, and Composition
For 43.1 (Spring 2015)
Guest Editor: Dale Jacobs, University of Windsor

Over the past ten years, composition has increasingly embraced writing and reading in multiple modes (words, but also images, sounds, video, spatial relationships, gestures, and other sign systems). In this movement towards multimodality, comics have been largely ignored. Comics, however, provide rich ground for exploration in relation to multimodality and composition. This special issue begins with the idea that comics are a valuable space of practice for multimodal literacies, both inside and outside the classroom.
Like other multimodal texts, comics form a multifaceted environment in which meaning is negotiated between creators and readers. Comics add another dimension to multimodality, which has often focused on digital texts, and can be used to link traditional alphabetic literacies with newer digital ones. Furthermore, as Michael Bitz argues in When Commas Meet Kryptonite: Classroom Lessons from the Comic Book Project, “In the context of new media and literacies, comics are a rare bridge between the canon of reading skills that children are expected to master in school and the literacies that they embrace on their own and out of school” (11). Not only are comics important multimodal texts in their own right, but they can also function as an important bridge to other literacies both inside and outside the classroom.

This special issue of Composition Studies will explore how comics can be productively used in writing theory and practice. Articles, sequential narratives, short reflective essays, and Course Designs are all welcome, as are pieces on comics aimed at the “Composing With” section of the journal.

Possible topics include (but are not limited to):
  • Comics as a way to connect reading and composing multimodal texts
  • Comics literacies and digital literacies.
  • Comics in relation to the NCTE Position Statement on Multimodal Literacies,
  • the WPA Outcomes Statement, and/or the Framework for Success in
  • Postsecondary Writing.
  • Comics and/as collaboration.
  • Comics, rhetoric, and the teaching of writing.
  • Comics theory and the teaching of writing.
  • Comics as a way to examine how students conceive and experience literacies
  • outside of school and possible connections to school literacies.
  • Specific ways to use comics in the composition classroom.
  • Examinations of how Comics Studies can inform Composition Studies and vice versa
Full-length submissions due August 1, 2014
Submission determinations sent by November 1, 2014
Revised manuscripts due February 13, 2015

Direct queries about the special issue and full-length manuscripts in .doc
or .docx formats to Dale Jacobs at djacobs@uwindsor.ca.

Direct general questions about Composition Studies to compstudies@uc.edu.
Visit our website for more information:
Laura Micciche
Associate Professor of English
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45221

CFP Panel on Marvel Cinematic Universe (12/1/13)

Here's an older CFP, and I'm not sure why I never posted it before:

An Examination of the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Location:Florida, United States
Call for Papers Date:2013-12-01 (in 16 days)
Date Submitted: 2013-05-30
Announcement ID: 204172

Since its Silver Age rebirth, Marvel Comics has been a focal point of comic book fandom. Often casted as the upstart company in comparison to DC Comics, Marvel’s cultural weight and economic success has been tied to 1960s political protest and social anxiety. For more than 50 years Marvel’s emphasis on “real word concerns’ in its stories has generated fan engagement and popular appeal. In the new millennium the establishment of its own movie studio has allowed the “House of Ideas” to have a wider cultural impact in the United States and around the world. While scholars have examined Marvel characters in print, less consideration has been given to the implication of live action adaptions from Marvel’s cinematic universe.

I seeking scholars for panel for the forthcoming 54th Annula Florida Conference of Historian meeting in St. Augustine, Florida (Jan 31st-Feb 1st, 2014). This panel will examine the ways the Marvel Cinematic Universe represents, constructs, and distorts American culture. Papers that examine specific characters, themes, or films are welcome.

Paper title and abstract/proposal (200-300 words)
1. Brief vita or biography (one page max)
2. Complete personal information: name, department, academic affiliation, mailing address, and e-mail address. Abstracts should be sent to Julian C. Chambliss: jchambliss@rollins.edu

Deadline for submission is December 1, 2013
Julian C. Chambliss
Rollins College

Email: jchambliss@rollins.edu

CFP Comics Area SWPACA (11/15/13)

Again, sorry for the late post:

CFP-Graphic Novels and Comics SWPCA 2014
Location:New Mexico, United States
Call for Papers Date:2013-11-15
Date Submitted: 2013-09-17
Announcement ID: 206713

Call for Papers and Presentations: Graphic Novels, Comics and Popular Culture-
Southwest/American Popular Culture and American Culture Association http://southwestpca.org/

Make plans to join the Southwest PCA/ACA for our 35th annual conference, February 19-22, 2014, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel and Conference Center in beautiful Albuquerque, New Mexico
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA 87102
Tel: +1 505 842 1234 or 888-421-1442

The conference theme this year is: Popular and American Culture Studies: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
The area chair seeks papers/presentations on Graphic Novels and Comics and Popular Culture due on November 1st, 2013.
Any aspect of Comics and Graphic Novels in Popular Culture will be considered, but particular attention will be paid to those presentations that discuss distinctive American aspects of comics and graphic novels in the context of history and the content. Answering such questions as: Why is the superhero as we know it today a uniquely American creation? Why is the birth of the comics industry tied to the Jewish American experience? Does the Americanism of comics and graphic novels have anything to say to the world today or do other styles such as manga, Bande dessinée, or fumetto have more of an impact today?

Possible panel/discussion topics:
  • Comics podcasts. With so much comics-related news on websites, another form that has taken off in recent years includes the podcast/radio show. How well do these podcasts relate comic/graphic novels news? We have podcasts on the Golden Age of comics, superhero comics, and most recently The Comics Alternative, which goes beyond superheroes to discuss the independents. What impact do podcasts like this have?
  • The concept of the super-villain! There is much scholarly literature on the superhero but not nearly as much on the super-villain. Yet a superhero is usually only as good or interesting as the super-villain counterpart. Stan Lee said that coming up with interesting super-villains is often difficult. Why? How have super-villains in comics changed over the years? What makes a supervillain like the Joker or Magneto so compelling? We would welcome full panels on supervillains.\
  • There has been a recent rise in superhero movies, with four in the summer of 2011 and three in the summer of 2012, three in the summer of 2013 and one in the fall of 2013. What is the future of the superhero-based movie? Will the superhero movie continue to be popular? Are people tired of the superhero movie? Has the superhero film run its course?
  • Pedagogical approaches to teaching graphic novel content. This has become an increasingly important part of comic studies, and the area chair seeks those scholars who would like to present on this topic.

Other topics:
  • Sequential art and storytelling
  • Manga, anime and the movies
  • Comic conventions/fan culture
  • Particular artists or writers (Bendis, Steranko, Kirby, Everett, Niles, etc.)
  • The rise of the graphic novel
  • What is a graphic novel?
  • History of newspaper comics!
  • Gay characters in comics
  • Film and superheroes!
  • Adapting graphic novels for the screen
  • Racism and the X-Men
  • Spider-Man as the Everyman
  • Cartoon Network: Good or bad for comics?
  • Comics and philosophy
  • Graphic novels as outlets for social justice (e.g., World War III) Comics as political satire (e.g., Tom Tomorrow, Addicted To War) Horror comics
  • “The Resurrection of Captain America” - Why NO comic character ever stays dead.
  • DC, Marvel, and comic corporations
  • Comics studies and film studies: How do the two intersect? The definition of the superhero
  • Indies and their role
  • Comics and graphic novels around the world (e.g., Tintin, Asterix) The scholarly study of graphic novels/comics in the academy Libraries and graphic novels

Please send a title and 100- to 250-word abstract by November 1st 2013.

Please submit your paper title and 100- to 250-word abstract by November 1, 2013, through our database, which can be accessed at: http://conference2014.southwestpca.org/
A video tutorial for submissions is available at:
Please note there are monetary awards for the best graduate student papers in a variety of categories.
See http://southwestpca.org/conference/graduate-student-awards The organization also has a new open access peer reviewed journal that encourages you to submit your work.
See: Dialogue: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Popular Culture and Pedagogy
35th Annual Conference Southwest Popular/American Culture Association February 19-22 2014 annual conference at the Hyatt Regency Hotel & Conference Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Submission Deadline: 11/1/13
Priority Registration Deadline 12/31/13
Conference Hotel:
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras NW,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA 87102
Tel: +1 505 842 1234 or 888-421-1442

Rob Weiner
Humanities Librarian, Texas Tech University Library

Rob Weiner
Texas Tech University Library
Box 40002
Lubbock Texas
Email: rob.weiner@ttu.edu
Visit the website at http://southwestpca.org

CFP Comics Arts Conference WonderCon 2014 (12/15/13)

Comics Arts Conference WonderCon 2014
Location:California, United States
Conference Date:2014-12-15
Date Submitted: 2013-10-28
Announcement ID: 208030

100 to 200 word abstracts for papers, presentations, and panels taking a critical or historical perspective on comics (juxtaposed images in sequence) are being accepted for the Comics Arts Conference, a meeting of scholars and professionals at WonderCon 2014 in Anaheim. WonderCon is an annual popular culture convention organized by Comic-Con International. The CAC seeks proposals from a broad range of disciplinary and theoretical perspectives and welcome the participation of academic and independent scholars. The CAC is designed to bring together comics scholars, professionals, critics, and historians to engage in discussion of the comics medium in a forum that included the public. Please submit all proposals to http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/BZ8XV9N by December 15, 2013. For more information, please contact Dr. Kathleen McClancy at comicsartsconference@gmail.com.

Dr. Kathleen McClancy
Primary Organizer and Co-Chair
Comics Arts Conference
Email: comicsartsconference@gmail.com
Visit the website at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/BZ8XV9N