Conceived by J. Michael Straczynski, Superman: Grounded (now collected as a two-volume series) was an arc that ran through the Superman series from 2010-2011. It appears to have been conceived as a celebration of the 700th issue of the title, but instead serves as a swan song for the Silver/Modern Age incarnation of the character as he was rebooted soon after as part of the New 52 (more on this eventually, if I can stomach it).
As a story Superman: Grounded is engaging and, hearkening back to the "relevant" comics of the 1970s, offers much insight (along with the recent series Superior) into the need for a Superman figure in the twenty-first century DC Universe. The series also provides details into the future of the Superman legend including the existence (hinted at in earlier stories) of a huge corps of Supermen, the self-styled "Superman Squad", existing in the distant future and (similar to the recent formation of Batman Incorporated) the Supermen of America, a team of modern-day heroes including Iron Munroe, Live Wire, Steel, Super Chief, Superboy, and Supergirl. Both teams are proud legacies for the almost 75-year-old hero.
Originating in 2010, Saving the Day: Accessing Comics in the Twenty-first Century is designed as a aid to furthering studies of the comics, comic art, and translations of comics into/from other media. The blog is associated with both The Arthur of the Comics Project, an effort of the Alliance for the Promotion of Research on the Matter of Britain, and The Medieval Comics Project, an effort of the Association for the Advancement of Scholarship and Teaching of the Medieval in Popular Culture.
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